The Imperfect Equestrian Blog

It's easy to get caught up in the belief and expectation of the perfectly sound horse, on the perfect arena, with the perfect gear being ridden with the perfect equitation.

This is not reality.
Well at least for me it's not.

(Trying to) Set my patients up for success

Working with horses can be hard – not necessarily because of the horses, but because of all the things that can influence them.
Let’s take today for example.

Today’s weather is SH*T. It’s gale force winds and sideways rain – and a recipe for failure when it comes to working with horses.

Like, bet...

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What I have learnt after YEARS of doing dentals on horses

I've been doing this job for many many years now and I thought I would share some of the lessons I have learnt along the way...

  • Too often we get caught up in what is aesthetically pleasing for us, not what’s most functional for the horse.
    It's so common for horses teeth to be "over-floated". And p
  • ...
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Truth Tips of a Vet Visit

Here’s how Vet visits work.

I’m hoping giving some clarity might lead to a better understanding of what to expect when you head to the Vet.

We can’t make your decisions, we make recommendations.

This means be prepared to say “yes”, “no” and ask questions. But most of all

L I S T E N when we give...

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What to expect from your horses' dental visit

Recently, I have had a few clients where they just weren’t sure what was expected from a dental visit.

They’d heard a lot of opinions of which tools and which person – but does that really set you up for success if you’re not sure what to expect?

So I wanted to break it down for you into the basic...

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You did your best, with the information provided to you.

It is normal to feel negative emotions when you find out your horse has been suffering from a disease or condition. Especially if this has been going on for a decent period of time.

I see clients get upset everyday when they have been using professionals for their horses problems - and then someone...

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My Stress' as a Vet - and why it has nothing to do with the medicine

The last few weeks I have been particularly "triggered" with my job as a Vet. What I mean by this is that a few realities have hit me in the face about how we go about this job on a day to day basis. And when I stop and talk myself through what's bothering me and why, I realise that a lot of the str...

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